Archive for naked fish

Brew of Note 8.21.14: Naked Fish, DuClaw Brewing

Posted in Beer, Craft Beer with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2014 by friends with bivalves

My introduction to Maryland’s DuClaw Brewing was their much talked-about Sweet Baby Jesus!, a chocolate peanut butter porter. Sounds overly decadent? Not really–it’s actually the perfect amount of decadence to hit all the right flavor notes while remaining drinkable. It was actually in Maryland that I first tried this beer, and I haven’t been able to find another one of their brews since–until last week.

I was on vacation/house sitting in New Jersey and Johnny and I went on one of our many beerscapades to stock up on brews for some quality drinkin’ in the pool time. In New York you can grab yourself a beer at a 7-11 (many carry Captain Lawrence now, so wee-morning craft drinkers rejoice!) or at a 24-hour grocery store, but in the Garden State, with all their odd and complex alcohol laws, beer can only be purchased at liquor stores which usually close around 10:00 PM (hard liquor also is not sold past 10 PM on any day). This was fine by us–it just meant we had to stock up early!

We opted to check out Buy Rite–NJ Shop Rite’s liquor store add-on. What’s interesting about liquor stores in New Jersey is that, while they may not have the hugest beer selection, what they do have of craft options are usually rather interesting and varied. DuClaw’s Naked Fish immediately caught my eye, as the words “chocolate” “raspberry” and “stout” seemed to call to me, begging me to embrace the pink-scaled box in my loving arms. Being spoiled by Half Time (more on this in a later post), I knew that making up a mixed six-pack sampler was out of the question, and John and I agreed that if there were any beer that would be worth taking the chance on a full six-pack, it would be this one.


Man, were we right.

The first sip is more coffee-flavored than anything else–as the best stouts are–which makes sense, since Gourmet Chocolate Raspberry Coffee is added to the grain bill. At first the flavor is subtle, very standard for a medium body stout, but then the chocolate creeps in near the finish, with a delicate hint of raspberry in the aftertaste. Basically, Naked Fish is kind of like dipping a chocolate jelly ring into coffee and taking a bite out of it–for some reason writing that out sounds kind of gross but, trust me, it’s absolutely delicious.


Recommended drinking conditions: enjoy by a warm, luxurious pool on a cool summer’s night. Or on your couch in front of the TV. That works, too.


I’m always interesting in craft beer packaging. DuClaw’s logos and names read more like a list of font types and titles on a font website, but that only adds to their charm. I also respect that DuClaw has taken chances experimenting with different flavors for stouts, something I’m always happy to see. This stout’s a mere 4.6% ABV, but that’s because the focus is on the complementary flavors adding up to an overall great-tasting beer.

My count of brews I’ve tried by DuClaw is a measly two, but now knowing how good these two flavor-filled beers are, I’m keeping my eyes open for all the others they have to offer. A few I’m especially interested in trying are: 31Anti-Venom Cluster F#@k, Black Jack Stout, Divine Retribution 3, Bad Moon Porter, and Dirty Little Freak.


Have you tried any of these? Let me know what you think!


Overall: 5/5    This might actually go up there as one of my favorite stouts. Kudos, DuClaw!



Speaking of New Jersey, get ready for our next post sampling one of the Garden State’s own brewing companies: Flying Fish. Stay tuned! 

